This weekend was a rough one.Yet despite the continual challenges, I really feel like I became an adult this weekend.Prioritizing is hard. Especially when it means putting your personal peace and mental well-being above almost everything else.But between prayer, my loving husband and my awesome Transitional Leadership Program I am realizing that one of our biggest responsibilities in life is to tend to self. Yes, we have a responsibility to those around us, but I realize that we can only act on that responsibility if we have a clear, healthy and mentally-sound mind of our own. If we neglect self, we neglect our responsibility to those around us to be an active and effective contributor in our environment.
Sometimes that means saying no, or taking a vacation, or taking a personal day, or literally spending time away.Life can be difficult. But what eases the load is surrounding oneself with the promises of God and positive and uplifting counsel.
Don't forget to love. But remember that includes yourself as well.Happy Wednesday.-AB
Outfit deets:
On my head: ASOSEyewear: Forever 21Jumpsuit: Forever 21Footwear: ASOS