High Tea With Mrs Rich!

The wedding is TWO WEEKS away! I can't believe time has flown so fast. With so many things to do, I'm trying to take in every last moment of the experience.One of the highlights of this journey was my bridal shower, "High Tea With Mrs Rich." Put on by some of the nearest and dearest to me, including my mom, maid of honor, lovely friend Sherita Pates and my bridesmaids, it was a fantastic success!  Also, a HUGE shoutout to both Koils By Nature and Frizz Free Curls for providing our bridesmaids and guests with these natural hair product swag bags!IMG_9191IMG_9192I've been using their hair products and they have been keeping this 4c hair nice and moisturized. They smell amazing!! If your natural strands are in need of some TLC, make sure to try out their products!Overall, it was a lovely tea party, complete with hors' doeuvres,
 I'm so thankful for everyone who helped make this event a success.  Now to prepare for the main event! :D I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and be sure to follow my Instagram stories for more deets leading up to the big day!All photos courtesy of @unosphotography.My Dress: ALANAYA BROWNShoes: AmazonHair: Breanna Renee HairSwag Bags: Koils By Nature and Frizz Free Curls

10 Things I've Learned (and LOVE) About Marriage


ALANAYA SO CHIC: on birthdays, adulting, and the #AlanayaAllWhite Collection