Brand New, Thirty-Two!
Happy Tuesday, everybody!Today is not just your regular, I'm almost to Wednesday, halfway-through-this-already-long-week Tuesday....It's my bday, y'all!This birthday cycle has been full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and yes, stress. Looking back, a year ago I wasn't even married yet. So much can happen in a year, and I guarantee you...this year it has happened.
Regardless of how long this year may have felt, today I'm spending the day thankful. Today marks day 8 of my #ThirtyDaysofThankful, and I'm determined to spend the day focused on how good God has been, and how blessed I feel to have family, friends, and coworkers who love and care about me.
Currently I'm headed on a surprise birthday adventure, so I've got to go...but before I do, i want to encourage you to start your day with thankfulness. Even though this is only day eight, I can already tell you I've experienced a shift in my attitude toward things throughout the day and I honestly feel less stressed about things that normally would be "monumental" in Nayshi-land.
Try it! I guarantee you if you stick with it you'll at least have a positive outlook during the time you make your list of five things.Today I'm thankful for:1. Another year of life2. Birthday surprises3. Family and friends4. A place to shower5. Cookies and cream ice cream!
And I'm thankful for all of you! Thank you for always reading and supporting my dreams via the internet!Have a wonderful Tuesday!!-AB